Linda & Dave's Ayscoughfee Wedding
Ive been considering a wedding photography blog for some time.
Ive been blogging about my own 'hobby' photography for 4 years and on that blog I don't think I've ever blogged about any of my work. So here it is;
2017 has been good year so far for 'BenChapmanphotos' a handful of weddings already under the year's belt and still the summer to go.
Its a little strange turning upto a wedding and meeting the couple for the 1st time. But as the internet and social media becomes an ever more popular way of communicating, I get booked through the power of email alone.
On the other hand it can be a positive feeling too, to know that the images on display on this website and on my Facebook are attracting clients by themselves without a face to face conversation or phone call.
Ayscoughfee Hall is a great place. Its got it all; an impressive facade, gardens at every turn, water for reflections, staircases and balconies. what more could you ask for?
The room where the ceremony takes place is nicely decorated with dark wood and book cases. Very photogenic. Very vintage. Light streams in from the window at the front of the room, a welcome change from a dark church, flooding the couple with light.
The room behind the ceremony room is where the register photography takes place. Lighting again comes from a side window, allowing exposure to be played with to keep the couple bright and surrounding booked lined walls a little darker.

Staying inside the building; a working museum, theres lots of opportunity to play with viewing angles. From above, from across one landing to another, through banisters and doorways. Stained glass windows can both provide the light and be used as a background.

The gardens are there to be explored and to be taken advantage of. Careful framing can make it appear that the couple are all alone at the grand house.

At the front of the museum is a gated driveway, an excellent entrance for a classic.

And all around the house dating from the 1400's are tall walls; full of character.
lInda was wearing a very catching headpiece that definitely topped off her dress. The vintage edits suit the gown and house.

A little sneak peak at almost all of the shots from the day. Right from the arrival of the couple, throughout the ceremony, around the gardens and finally back into the house to make use of those large windows, stairs and balconies.

Thank you to Linda & Dave for allowing me to photograph their wedding.
From the moment we shook hands upon meeting in person for the 1st time they trusted me to do them proud.
I hope I've succeeded.