Oakham & Ruland Wedding Photography / Sally & Andy / Catmose Cottage & The Finch's Arms
For a day that started out a little overcast and grey the sun showed it's face just at the right time to really make the best ending for Sally & Andy, the golden light was beautiful, more of that later....
I headed over to Oakham from Lincolnshire on the Sunday morning under the grey skies, it was't too cold considering it was December but it was hardly warm either.
Photographs started with the dress at Sally & Andy's farm cottage and continued with documenting the fun and mayhem that happens as the clock ticks closer to the main event.

Dad's 1st look, It's great when I can stand in the doorway to the room and witness these little proud and happy moments.

I love a bridal portrait by the window.

We all headed over to Catmose Cottage, The Registry Office In Oakham for the ceremony.
It was an intimate little gathering of Sally & Andy's important people.

Confetti time always makes for fun photos.

After the group shots and a few portraits in the Gardens, we jumped in the cars and headed for The Finch's Arms, in Hambleton, Rutland.
Literally on the way to the pub we drove by Rutland water, it would have been rude not to have stopped.
And I'm so glad we did.

The temperature had lowered but so had the sun in the sky. The grey clouds had passed over and all that was left was blue skies overhead with the sun setting behind the trees, it was glorious!

A mile further down the road and we were inside in the warm at The Finch's Arms.
Oakham Road,

Everyone was a enjoying a tipple or 2 and the food was delicious.

A little winter wedding was the perfect way of ending 2019 for me.
Photographing at the waters edge was a memorable experience and I can't wait to photograph a Rutland wedding again in the future.
Sally & Andy, thank you so much for letting me photograph your big day together x
If you're reading this and looking for a Oakham and Rutland wedding photographer then send me an email and let's chat about your big day.